
Locally Obsessed June Bag ~ Fraser Valley Content Photography

Every other month I get a lovely bag full of curated local goodies from Locally Obsessed delivered to my doorstep. Photos can’t do this month’s handmade goods justice - I wish you could all smell the yummy pink grapefruit and lavender soap and the pineapple candle!

locally sourced handmade candle, soap and resin necklace from the Fraser Valley Locally Obsessed June bag
curated bag of local handmade goods photographed on a rattan placemat next to fresh greenery
Salt & Stone Pink Grapefruit and Lavender soap on a rattan placemat next to a sprig of eucalyptus and other fresh greenery
pale pink pyramid shaped handmade soap and fresh greenery atop a round natural rattan placemat
handmade pinapple scented soy candle with handmade wooden lid
handmade soy candle and a sprig of eucalyptus on a white countertop in a room with light grey walls
handmade resin necklace next to a fresh green stem on a white cotton muslin background

Follow @locallyobsessed on Instagram for local events and sneak peeks of upcoming bags.

Featured Products:

Handmade Soy Candle ~ Lolita’s Soy Candles

Necklace ~ Noodle Art

Sea Salt Soap ~ Salt & Stone Soap Company

Snack Bar ~ SusPro Foods